At Limerick Mental Health Association we endeavour to promote positive mental health, reduce mental health stigma and provide support to people who have difficulty coping with their Mental Health in the community. Donations help us to continue delivering these services and supports to the people that need it most and your support is vital to every aspect of our work.
Donate Online with Credit/Debit Card
You can donate using a credit or debit card with our secure online donation form. Payments are processed safely and securely with Stripe. Simply click the donation button here:

Where Does Your Money Go?
At Limerick Mental Health Association we endeavour to promote positive mental health, reduce mental health stigma and provide support to people who have difficulty coping.
When you donate to us you are entrusting us with the responsibility to make your money work to support people having difficulty coping with their Mental Health in our community. It is a responsibility we take seriously and we are committed to openness and transparency.
One of the ways we will use your donation is to support the services we offer directly to the public at our home in Limerick City. It is a safe, welcoming place for people under the care of mental health services or experiencing mental health difficulties. Here we provide wellness activities and programmes as well as peer support. We have an open, door walk-in policy and we work on the no wrong door ethic, which is: if we are not the right service for you we will get you the right service. Our services help to reduce social isolation and loneliness that can be a feature of living with poor mental health. We encourage people to be active, to advocate for themselves and others and to life a happy and fulfilled life.
Donations will also be used for the maintenance of our building. We have a permanent home in the heart of Limerick City. Donations can also be used to help us advertise our classes for new and prospective members. Finally, donations may also be used for staff and volunteer training and supports.
How much are our Board paid?
All of our board members including our Chair are voluntary. Our board members come from the private, public and voluntary sectors in the Republic of Ireland and bring a wide range of experience, skills and knowledge.
Do we receive government funding?
We are currently funded through Section 39 of the 2004 Health Act.