The LMHA Peer Support Project (formerly known as Le Chéile) was set up in 2003 and is Limerick Mental Health Association’s peer support project. The LMHA Peer Support Project is for people who are having difficulty coping, under the care of the mental health services, or are experiencing social isolation, and or loneliness as a result.
New member Drop in
Feel free to drop in anytime Monday – Friday 9am – 4pm to find out more about LMHA, what we do and what classes, groups and activities we currently have running.
Why should you come to LMHA.
LMHA is a friendly, welcoming place. It is non-judgemental and recovery based with our main focus on the individual.
We provide peer support, friendship, activities and wellness programmes. Members can attend as often or as little as they like, they can participate in activities or not participate.
Some members just pop in for a chat and a cuppa when they are in town. There are no expectations of any of our members to attend regularly or to participate regularly. We support people in their recovery and we promote positive mental health. Check out some testimonials from our past and current members.
A little bit more detail about LMHA.
LMHA aims to create a non-judgmental environment where people feel relaxed and valued.
We promote social inclusion through a variety of activities and programs. We support health and well-being through social, recreational and educational activities – with a focus on development of wellness and recovery groups (WRAP – Wellness Recovery Action Planning). We provide opportunities for participants to make new friends and make community connections that are sustainable. We provide opportunities for participants to become peer volunteers through the activities. The project provides a wide range of creative activities that encourage participation.
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