Call for participants for a University of Limerick Mental Health Questionnaire

Hi there!

My name is Shauna O’Mahony and I am a final year student of the BSc Psychology in UL. 

As part of my final year project for my degree I am carrying out research to investigate the role of cognitive abilities in mental health. In particular, how attentional control, stress reactivity and rumination affect levels of anxiety and depression in individuals. In order to collect this data I am recruiting participants to take part in a 15 minute anonymous and voluntary online survey.

I am emailing you to ask if it would be possible to share this study on your social media pages or distribute it to a mailing list of service users you may have? I have attached the recruitment poster which clearly explains the details of the study, as well as the link to the survey:

I thought that this study may be of interest to you and your service users given its focus on mental health, particularly anxiety and depression, and if you opt to take part and are interested in the results a summary of findings could be provided upon request. The study has also received ethical approval from my university faculty’s ethics board.

This sharing with a large demographic would be of great help to me and would be greatly appreciated, however if this is not possible for you I completely understand!

Thank you very much for your time and I hope to hear from you soon. 

Kind Regards,

Shauna O’Mahony
Undergraduate Researcher
BSc. Psychology, UL