Amidst the buzz of the launch of the Limerick Lifelong Learning Festival 2024, Limerick Mental Health Association proudly held its event in partnership with the Southill Family Resource Centre, with a ‘Mindful Meander’ around Southill. With a blend of mental health awareness, local history, and community spirit, this event was a testament to the power of learning and connection in nurturing our well-being.

Learning and Exploring
We embarked on a leisurely stroll through Southill at 10am with a group of Southill FRC and Limerick Mental Health Association service-users. We learned about the area’s history, visited the Southill Men’s Shed, and gained insights into the importance of understanding and supporting mental health in our communities through the mental health awareness talk given by Lizzy, who coordinated this event. She took questions from the group and spread the word of what LMHA does.
Cultivating Mindfulness
After the walk, we took a moment to center ourselves in mindfulness. Under the guidance of experienced practitioner Lisa Kelleher (@radicaltransformationyoga), we participated in a breathwork session, and learned about the importance of anchoring ourselves in the present moment and cultivating a sense of inner calm and awareness. Lisa leads our breathwork class every Wednesday evening in our office on Sexton Street and we would like to thank her for contributing to our event.
Nourishing Connections
As we meandered through Southill, we not only enjoyed its scenery but also bonded with one another. From the success of our walking group, the team at LMHA understand the power of walking to foster connection and open up conversation. After the walk, over tea, coffee, and pastries generously provided, the participants could exchange stories, laughter, and reflect on the mental health awareness presentation, which strengthened the sense of community and support.
Gratitude and Appreciation
A big thank you to Jimmy for generously providing us with his space at the Southill FRC and his assistance in organising the event. His commitment to the cause of mental health and community well-being has made a lasting impact on all who utilise the services at the Southill Family Resource Centre and those who participated in this event. A special thank you to Lisa also for sharing her expertise and providing her valuable service at our event.
As our Mindful Meander drew to a close, we left Southill with more familiarity with the history of the area, and with insights gained into the importance supporting mental health in our communities. This event not only marked the beginning of the Lifelong Learning Festival with the theme of ‘Learn, Grow and Explore in 2024’, but also set the tone for a journey of connection and support amongst communities in Limerick.