The Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences (ICHAS) are delighted to be taking part in Limerick Mental Health Week because as an educational provider, we know how important your Mental Health is. It is very easy for people to get bogged down about certain things such as study, work or life stress and begin to feel that they are struggling to carry out tasks they once would have been able to complete.
Who are ICHAS?
The Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences(ICHAS) is an independent third level college that prides itself on its student centered approach. The college has been educating, preparing and training students for working in the field of Counselling and Psychotherapy for the past 15 years.
ICHAS plays an important part in the Mental Health sector as many of our graduates have found jobs in the areas of Counselling in working with individuals who may suffer from Mental Health issues. ICHAS ensures that our students are educated and equipped to deal with issues related to Mental Health. Along with obtaining a QQI Degree, our students are required to complete Practice Placements in organisations related to their area of studies. This allows the student to benefit from first hand personal experience with clients under the supervision of a nominated Clinical Supervisor. This placement method has proven to provide students with the experiences and understanding required along with their Degree to appropriately deal with clients.
Finally, as a college we are extremely happy about the proposal of new regulations to be set out by CORU (Regulating Health and Social Care Professionals) under the guidance of the Minister for Health Simon Harris for the Counselling and Psychotherapy sector as it is imperative that vulnerable people are cared for by appropriately educated, trained and registered Counsellors.
ICHAS – Irish College of Humanities and Applied Sciences, Walton House, Lonsdale Road, National Technology Park, Castletroy, Limerick