Applications are Now Closed!

LMHA is hiring for 4 different positions, looking for passionate and professional people to apply their skills. Continue reading Applications are Now Closed! Continue reading Applications are Now Closed!
Limerick Mental Health Association
Promoting positive mental health
LMHA is hiring for 4 different positions, looking for passionate and professional people to apply their skills. Continue reading Applications are Now Closed! Continue reading Applications are Now Closed!
LMHA is delighted to announce the appointment of our new Manager, Tracey Corbett Lynch. Tracey brings a wealth of experience to LMHA and and we look forward to working with her to develop our service and make a difference in the lives of people in Limerick City and County. Continue reading Announcing the appointment of Tracey Corbett Lynch as LMHA Manager Continue reading Announcing the appointment of Tracey Corbett Lynch as LMHA Manager