Updated November Schedule (click to enlarge)

Our classes and group are continuing with some new additions this month. We are running a 6 Week Managing Stress and Anxiety Workshop starting 7th Nov and we are pleased to announce that we will have a new Personal Development Class starting on Fri 11th of Nov from 2-4pm in-house at Sexton street. Spaces for both are limited so please book in advance to secure your place: info@limerickmentalhealth.ie or 061 446786
Update: We have a new Music/Singing Group on Fridays and our Yoga Classes are temporarily postponed but we hope to have them back up and running soon!
NEW MEMBERS ARE ALWAYS WELCOME! If you want to attend a class or would like to be included in our email list for communication, please send your detail(name/phone/email) to info@limerickmentalhealth.ie.
How to become a member? Simply email info@limerickmentalhealth.ie with your name, email address and contact number and let us know which class or group you’d like to attend. That’s all there’s to it!
Keep an eye on our blog and follow us on Social Media for up to date news!
Announcing new Let’s Get Talking in-house counselling service at Sexton St

We are delighted to announce that we have collaborated with Let’s Get Talking, a counselling service where the fee is based on your income. Let’s Get Talking operate from our office at Sexton St every Wednesday, Thursday and Friday from 9-5pm.
To book in: call 0818 714 001 or click on the link Contact Us – Let’s Get Talking (letsgettalking.ie)
Registered Charity: 20107567
Let’s Get Talking provides counselling and psychotherapy on a non-set fee ensuring no one is excluded from accessing mental health support due to their financial circumstances. We believe no one should be denied access to mental health support due to their financial circumstances. That’s why we have a non-set fee, which means you decide what you can afford to pay for your session with our therapists.
Please note LMHA cannot book you in or help you skip the queue in relation to appointment times.