What is #HelloLimerickHowRU?
On 7th April 2022, Limerick Mental Health Association is joining Mental Health Ireland’s national campaign and inviting the Limerick community to reconnect again in a meaningful way and say ‘Hello’, and ask ‘How, Are You?’, and to really listen to the answer.
The campaign breaks down the steps: H.E.L.L.O.(H: Hello E: Engage L: Listen L: Learn and O: Options) which supports people to reach out, say hello and ask how are you?
Mayor Daniel Butler launched the campaign encouraging communities and organisations to get involved “Let’s go out and say hello Limerick and support Limerick Mental Health Association efforts to have that real conversation to truly see how somebody is by simply engaging in conversation”

Why we are running this campaign?
LMHA is running a local Hello Campaign #HelloLimerickHowRU in order to raise funds to help expand our local services. From our permenant home in the heart of Limerick City we provide peer support, classes, activities and wellness programmes that support people on their mental health journey and we are experiencing increased demand as a result of the impact of Covid-19.
Ian Hackett Manager of Limerick Mental Health Association outlines “Limerick has always been a city and county where your neighbours and community gives us a sense of belonging. We invite communities and the workplace to participate on 7th April in our Hello Limerick campaign as for some it will be no problem to reconnect in person again after two years in a virtual world but this is not a simple process for everyone. Hosting a simple coffee morning, a cake sale gets people talking in person and gives them a reason to meet”

How to take part?
We are encouraging workplaces of all sizes, schools, communities and individuals to get involved across Limerick City and County. It is easy to get involved in hosting an event such as a coffee morning, a fun walk/run/crawl, a bake sale, colours day in school or a workshop.
No event is too small to start conversations and to say “Hello, How Are You?”
Simply register your fundraising event with us and tell us your event story!
For more info or to register please email info@limerickmentalhealth.ie to register your event. We will send you some downloadable resources: posters, digital, cards to download as well as tips on how to start the conversation and run your event in a meaningful way.
Share your efforts with us
If you hold a fundraising event any day between 4th and 8th April please take pictures and share your stories by tagging us on our social media platforms and use the hashtags #HelloLimerickHowRU #LMHA
What if I want to support the campaign but can’t hold an event?
You can still support our #HelloLimerickHowRU campaign by donating directly to us on our secure online donation page.
All funds raised will go to support people having difficulty coping with their Mental Health in our local community as well as allowing us to continue promoting positve mental health and reducing stigma.
Any support is greatly appreciated!
The LMHA Team