“Hi, we are Poppy and Roneta and we are UL students doing our co-op work placement at Limerick Mental Health Association. During our placement here, we quickly noticed the high demand for mental health services following the pandemic. In response to this, we are raising money to skydive in aid of Limerick Mental Health Association.
Donations are greatly appreciated and every donation regardless of size will help to make a difference. Your donations will allow us to provide our service users with the best possible care by expanding our services and resources. Thank you in advance for your contribution to this important cause.”
Poppy and Roneta’s skydive will take place mid-to-late May and LMHA would like to encourage everyone to get behind our 2 brave placement students, these two girls are really taking LMHA fundraising to a new height (all puns intended!) and are asking everyone to support them buy donating here via their GoFundMe page here: https://www.gofundme.com/f/poppy-and-roneta-take-the-jump-for-mental-health?qid=cd6fcef01506b0342cad9f46a509a7d1