Written by Martina Shanahan – Le Cheile Community Development Worker.
Le Chéile Women’s Group reunited in person this week at the foot of King Johns Castle, with a socially distanced outdoor picnic in glorious sunshine. We all were so grateful that phase one allowed the meeting of groups outside. Our community of members shared their experience of lock down, isolation and health concerns and how coping mechanisms were stretched through this experience. It was heartening to hear how Le Chéile women supported one another over this time with book swaps, movie recommendations and personal calls of support.

Over the lockdown The Women’s Group went online with a new theme each week including; (1) letting the light in, (2) Motivation, (3) My Home my Sanctuary and (4) Intention setting (notes available on request). None of this compared to meeting in person and sharing experiences. Gaining the support of women in a real meaningful and fun way.
Le Chéile Women’s Group is alive and well despite the harshness of distancing restrictions set out by COVID 19.
To ensure our safety and to respect social distancing rules, Le Chéile Women’s Group will continue to picnic outside on alternative weeks and we look forward to discovering nice spots around the city. We picnic again on June 9th at 2pm at the foot of King John castle, entry through St Marys Aid on Nicholas street. Online zoom meetings will continue on the alternative weeks.
Until we meet again,