Testimonials from our members

Le Cheile testimonial
Le Cheile testimonial

Some of our members have kindly given us their honest testimonials of how they have found our services at Le Chéile.

Le Chéile has always been there for me when I needed it. Here I build myself up and recognize my talents again after tougher times, while meeting new supportive people” – Ger

“I love coming to Le Chéile, it’s a great outlet for my creativity from art classes, drama classes and creative writing. Its fantastic and I have made loads of new friends. The staff are amazing and do a great job”

“Le Chéile is the only reason I get out of bed sometimes. I find it very beneficial to my positive mental health”  – Breda.

“I found friends for life and who support me in my life” –  Stephanie.

“I made friendships that would last a lifetime plus I gained confidence in myself”

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