By Ciara Dempsey, Resource Officer for Suicide Prevention, HSE
Importance of Limerick Mental Health Week
We are part of Limerick Mental Health Week because we believe in reducing stigma around mental health through talking about it and promoting the message that it’s good to talk. You can support or access more information about services in your area on
Who are we?
Hi, I’m Ciara Dempsey and I am the Resource Officer for Suicide Prevention in the HSE for both Limerick City and County. I am based in St. Joseph’s Hospital in Limerick City
In 2015, The National Office for Suicide Prevention launched a 5 year strategy aimed at reducing the rates of suicide and reducing the number of presentations of deliberate self-harm. This strategy is called “Connecting for Life” and it is my job to help make this strategy a reality on a local level in Limerick. Our office supports the development of evidence based programmes and interventions aimed at strengthening individuals, strengthening communities and reducing structural barriers to mental health. We also work towards the development of a more coordinated and integrated suicide prevention service delivery. We also help roll out the #littlethings campaign on a local level which focuses on and shares some simple yet powerful day to day steps – little things that we can all do to protect our mental health, and support the well-being of the people we care about. People are encouraged to eat and sleep well, take regular exercise, talk about their problems and spend time with other people – all proven to promote positive mental health.
For people on the ground and in organisations, we offer training such as esuicideTALK, safeTALK, ASIST and Understanding Self Harm. If you are interested in this training, please call us on 061-461454.
Ciara Dempsey, Resource Officer for Suicide Prevention, HSE