As you may know LMHA in conjunction with Mental Health Ireland ran a very successful HELLO campaign on Thursday 7th of April. This campaign was aimed at getting people across the city and county to get up and say Hello to someone, Engage with the person, Listen to the person, Learn from the conversation and have Options to reply.
From the feedback we received this was a very welcome and successful event. We especially would like to thank everyone that donated and went the extra mile with their coffee mornings and bake sales which really helped promote the campaign. Limerick City and County really showed their community spirit by getting involved and getting people talking, We are very proud to be part of this fantastic community and delighted that everyone enjoyed the event.
We would like to especially acknowledge and thank: Mayor Daniel Butler, Cllr Sharon Benson, Senator Maria Byrne, Rockhall Veterinary, The Hunt Museum, AIB O’Connell Street, An Garda Siochana, TUS, University of Limerick Dept of Nursing and Midwifery, Castletroy College, Spin South West, Live 95fm, The Limerick Leader and Limerick Post and the Defence Forces, VHI, Moyross Community Centre, LCETB, Grant Thornton, Holmes O’Malley Sexton, Askeaton Secondary School, Mid-West radio, Limerick County Library and CBS Sexton Street.
Each and every person and organisation really showed their true Limerick spirit by coming together and promoting or holding an event to make this campaign as successful as it was.
Thank you all for your much needed support!
Ian and the entire LMHA team