We are back in lockdown! It is worrying and scary and all we can do is our best. Le Cheile will remain open, and, although we can’t meet you in person, we are here.
We will be providing online groups through Zoom and we will keep you updated of anything new happening. There are other supports available either through your telephone, or online through your phone or laptop, with other organisations as well. If you want details of these, let us know.
Our peer support is still available and any of the staff are happy to give you a call if you need it. We can also provide you with information about other supports, if needed. Our timetable is below, with contact details. We hope to see you at some of these groups.
This won’t last forever, we are required to dig deep and stay safe until this pandemic has passed. It will pass. It takes an emotional toll on us all but please reach out if you need help, support or just a chat.
Claire x