Updated 7th Oct, 2020

Limerick Mental Health Week returns from 10th – 16th October 2020 to promote Mental Health for All – Greater Investment – Greater Access. Everyone, everywhere.
In light of the unusual circumstances we find ourselves in, the team at Limerick Mental Health Week are excited to bring you a re-imagined week of online events this October. The diverse programme aims to provide a valuable, beneficial and rewarding schedule while ensuring the wellbeing and safety of the participants and team.
Now in its 17th year, Limerick Mental Health Week promotes positive mental health in Limerick and the surrounding areas through a series of public events for everyone. The week marks the yearly World Mental Health Day on October 10th, run by the World Mental Health Federation. Each year LMHW reflects the chosen theme of the day, for 2020 it is Mental Health for All – Greater Investment – Greater Access. Everyone, everywhere.
The calendar for 2020 includes: Workshops on building resistance, our new #ShareALight campaign, Personal Talks around recovery and hope, Self-Care & Mindful Yoga, Mediation, Music, and the creation of two very special Murals in secret locations around Limerick city.
LMHW aims to highlight the serious topic of mental health in an open, engaging and encouraging way. The week will provide a forum to generate discussion, promote positive mental health, reduce stigma and help to from 10th – 16th October 2020. The week also promotes the wide range of supports and services which are available within the local community.