AtlasFit Partners with LMHA to Promote Positive Mental and Physical Health

AtlasFit are also a sports equipment provider and will donate a percentage of their sales to Limerick Mental Health Association, which we are very grateful for. AtlasFit aims to promote positive mental health and well being and plans to share their resources with LMHA. Continue reading AtlasFit Partners with LMHA to Promote Positive Mental and Physical Health Continue reading AtlasFit Partners with LMHA to Promote Positive Mental and Physical Health

Watch Limerick Mental Health Week Launch Event live from 7pm tonight

Watch live from 7pm tonight as the Ilen, the last traditional wooden sailing boat sails into Limerick to launch launches Limerick Mental Health Week 2021 with a special commemoration of lives lost in Limerick to Covid-19. Continue reading Watch Limerick Mental Health Week Launch Event live from 7pm tonight Continue reading Watch Limerick Mental Health Week Launch Event live from 7pm tonight

Press Release: Limerick Lights Up In Green to mark the launch of Limerick Mental Health Week 2021 and Commemorate Lives Lost to Covid

Limerick Mental Health Week 2021

Limerick Mental Health Association today launched their programme of events for Limerick Mental Health Week (8th – 15th October). Now in its 16th year, Limerick Mental Health Association promotes positive mental health across Limerick City and County. Continue reading Press Release: Limerick Lights Up In Green to mark the launch of Limerick Mental Health Week 2021 and Commemorate Lives Lost to Covid Continue reading Press Release: Limerick Lights Up In Green to mark the launch of Limerick Mental Health Week 2021 and Commemorate Lives Lost to Covid