Words From a Samaritans Volunteer

Nicole Russell shares her experience volunteering with Samaritans, a listening service available to anyone who is having difficulty coping or just needs to talk to someone without judgement. Contact Samaritans via freephone 116123 or email jo@samaritans.ie the next time you’re feeling down and can’t seem to find anyone around you to talk to about these feelings with. Continue reading Words From a Samaritans Volunteer Continue reading Words From a Samaritans Volunteer

Announcing Our New Schedule With Even More Classes and Groups 7 Days a Week!

We are delighted to be coming out of full lockdown from the 10th of May and with this brings a new calendar of classes, groups and wellness programmes from May to July. We will move forward with both outdoor FTF and online. Continue reading Announcing Our New Schedule With Even More Classes and Groups 7 Days a Week! Continue reading Announcing Our New Schedule With Even More Classes and Groups 7 Days a Week!

New Sailing Courses Offered To Aid Mental Health and Recovery

LMHA has partnered with Sailing into Wellness (SIW) to offer sailing courses to help those in recovery from poor mental health to introduce a new Sailing into Wellness programme targeted at organisations working with clients in recovery and young people at risk, primarily those in marginalised communities. Continue reading New Sailing Courses Offered To Aid Mental Health and Recovery Continue reading New Sailing Courses Offered To Aid Mental Health and Recovery

5 Great Reasons to Consider Counselling


Counselling (also known as psychotherapy) can be of great benefit in times of crisis and can help with difficulties surrounding relationships, bereavement, addiction or indeed any trauma an individual may find themselves confronted with at any point in life. Read on for reasons to consider counselling. Continue reading 5 Great Reasons to Consider Counselling Continue reading 5 Great Reasons to Consider Counselling

The Power of Gratitude

Incorporating gratitude into our lives has enormous benefits. Research has not only shown that expressing gratitude is linked with greater well-being and happiness, but this practice can also improve relationships, physical well-being, self-esteem, and energy levels, to name but a few. Continue reading The Power of Gratitude Continue reading The Power of Gratitude

Why we shouldn’t try to fix grief


It is so very difficult to understand grief and all its nuances if we haven’t experienced profound loss ourselves. Liz Gleeson of Shapes of Grief talks about some ways you can support someone who is grieving Continue reading Why we shouldn’t try to fix grief Continue reading Why we shouldn’t try to fix grief

LMHA St Patrick’s Day Appeal

LMHA St Patrick's Day Appeal 2021

Limerick Mental Health Association is launching a social media campaign on St Patrick’s Day to raise awareness about our services and raise funds to tackle the mental health impact of Covid-19, which has seen one in six Limerick people experiencing mental health issues. Continue reading LMHA St Patrick’s Day Appeal Continue reading LMHA St Patrick’s Day Appeal

One Million Stars to End Violence – Limerick Project Launch

One Million Stars To End Violence Campaign

The Hunt Museum has teamed up local organisations to develop a One Million Stars To End Violence weaving network in Limerick in support of ADAPT Domestic Abuse Services. Continue reading One Million Stars to End Violence – Limerick Project Launch Continue reading One Million Stars to End Violence – Limerick Project Launch

“An Unexpected Journey” – Book Excerpt by Cathy McCarthy

Cathy Mccarthy, author of Stronger Than Yesterday

Author Cathy McCarty has kindly provided an excerpt from her book “Stronger Than Yesterday – Living Your Life Beyond Adversity”. In this excerpt Cathy provides advice and demonstrates a mindset that helped her overcome adversity and show resilience. Cathy  is a cancer survivor and author. Continue reading “An Unexpected Journey” – Book Excerpt by Cathy McCarthy Continue reading “An Unexpected Journey” – Book Excerpt by Cathy McCarthy